We’re launching our new campaign season for NEIGHBORS UNITED FOR CHANGE, and we hope you’ll sign up to be involved. These groups, organized at the neighborhood level, work to identify and communicate neighbor-to-neighbor and friend-to-friend. Want to organize an interest group you’re involved with, or a group of your friends? That works too. Or if you’re already a part of an existing neighborhood group, we’d love to work with you.

We’ll supply you with a list of likely Democratic voters in your neighborhood, and team you up with other people near you who respond to this email. Your job is to reach out and pull together a neighborhood group that has a good time working together as they make phone calls, write postcards, and expand our outreach to every friendly voter.

Our main focus this year: getting every Democratic voter to vote for our 2021 Democratic ticket — from statewide offices to our local members of the House of Delegates.

We’ll help you with tips and training on organizing, how to ask folks to participate and how to keep your group engaged. Many of the campaigns already offer online training and volunteer opportunities for phone calling, texting and other outreach. There are links to volunteer and to sign up for events for each campaign.

The best part of campaigning has always been the camaraderie and fun of working together. We hope you’ll sign up for NEIGHBORS UNITED FOR CHANGE, find new, creative ways to reach out – and share them with all of us.

Got questions? Email us at democrats@wjccdems.com, or call our hotline, 833-757-6637.